Correction Services

HealthCare NZ provides two programmes for New Zealand Correction Services

Our correction services include both Out of Gate and The Supported Accommodation Service, see more below.

Out of Gate – Te Aranga Mai

This programme supports people leaving prison following short sentences (up to 2 years) to reintegrate into their communities.

We assist people with such things as finding employment, sorting WINZ benefits, securing permanent accommodation, and reconnecting with whānau. The team can work with people for up to 6 months after release from prison. We also have a staff team who go into the prison to help those who are currently on remand to understand what they can expect if they wish for support from the Out of Gate team.

The Supported Accommodation Service

This service supports people who have been identified as high-risk offenders to reintegrate into communities. They also support people to gain employment or enter training, refresh daily living skills possibly lost while in prison, provide guidance regarding healthy friendships/relationships with whānau and others, and general day-to-day support to assist people keeping appointments or other commitments.

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