Nursing Services

Our nurses are at the heart of a warm, caring community. And we’re proud to say that the nursing services at HealthCare NZ are the best of the best when it comes to looking after New Zealanders.

So whether you need a gentle hand to help you quickly recover from an accident, or more long-term, specialised treatment at home, our personalised, in-home service provides Nurses with all the skills for whatever you need, for now and for your needs in the future.

All delivered with a smile and a deep, genuine love of caring for others. We’re flexible and responsive, backed by an on-call nurse available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

All of which means you can depend on receiving the best care and support as you maintain your independence and quality of life, all within your own home and community.

Our Nursing Services include:

ACC Nursing Services

Our ACC Nursing team provides all types of wound care, from the simple to the complex, for people with approved ACC injuries who are assessed as being unable to make it to clinic appointments for wound dressings, due to age or physical challenges. We also work alongside people with long-term Nursing needs as a result of a serious injury.

District Nursing Services (Christchurch only)

Our District Nursing team in Christchurch is part of a national network of experienced and professional nurses offering short and long-term nursing services for general and complex needs. Our nursing team offers care and support that is flexible and responsive to your needs, backed by an on-call nurse available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As well as early supported discharge from hospital, falls prevention programmes, palliative care and expert wound care management we also offer specialist cardiopulmonary support and cardiothoracic support post-surgery, allowing you to return home from hospital earlier.

For more information on District Nursing Services in Christchurch call 03 377 7527.

If you’d like more information about our range of Nursing services, chat to your GP or health professional about a referral to our services, or contact us here at HealthCare NZ for some free, friendly advice on 0800 621 222

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