Getting in-house care after an injury

Recovering from an injury can be a long, difficult process. A little extra help from an in-home nurse can make your recovery quicker and more comfortable.
If you or a loved one has sustained an injury, you may be eligible for in-home nursing care. For people with ACC-approved injuries, who are assessed as being unable to attend clinic appointments due to age or physical challenges, Healthcare NZ can provide at-home nursing care.
In this article, we’ll discuss how in-home nursing care could help you or your loved one following an injury.
In-home nursing care for injury recovery
After a particularly bad accident, you may have sustained injuries that take a great deal of time to recover from. In some cases, you may be required to remain in the hospital while your recovery is monitored. However, more often than not these types of injuries won’t be fully recovered by the time you’re discharged, and home recovery will be necessary.
Home recovery will usually mean monitoring and managing your wound. This might include cleaning the wound, managing pain and medication, and changing the dressing. For those who are still able to move around easily, this kind of care can take place with a regular visit to your local GP or hospital. However, if mobility is an issue due to age or the injury itself, home nursing care can make a huge difference.
How does in-home nursing care work?
A registered nurse will visit you in your home and carry out nursing according to your needs. Your nurse will have received your file from your physician, so they’ll understand exactly what’s going on and what kind of care you need.
Of course, your situation and the state of your wound may change while you’re at home, so you should always talk to your nurse about any changes to keep them up to date. They can update your file and report back to your physician, so your full recovery team is kept abreast of your wellbeing. This is particularly helpful when multiple allied health professionals are involved, as it reduces the need for you to repeat yourself and ensures everyone is up to speed and providing the correct support.

In-home nursing services can help to speed up your recovery and return you to life as normal as soon as possible.
What does an in-home nurse do?
While in your home, your nurse may help you in some or all of the following ways:
Changing wound dressings
Whether your wounds are simple or complex, you may not be able or feel confident to change your wound dressings. Your nurse will remove dressings, clean and assess the wound and the surrounding skin, and replace the dressings with fresh, clean ones.
Managing pain and medication
You may have been prescribed medication such as painkillers or antibiotics. Whatever you were prescribed, your nurse can help to ensure you’re taking your medication as prescribed, divide your medication into daily doses for you or discuss any changes, renewed prescriptions or side effects with you.
Completing tests
Some tests may be required to assess your condition, such as urine & stool tests, blood pressure tests or glucose tests. Your nurse will help you to complete these tests as necessary.
Reporting on your wellbeing
Your nurse will assess your recovery and report back to your primary health provider. This reporting is important for updating your allied health team, identifying if you’re on track for a timely recovery, and determining when you’re ready to be fully discharged from nursing care.
Educating your loved ones
Your nurse can also talk to your family about your recovery, keep them updated (with your permission) and inform them of anything they need to be doing to help you heal. They can answer questions and concerns, to take some of the pressure off you while you recover.
Personal hygiene assistance
In some cases, your in-home nurse may assist you with personal hygiene activities such as showering, bed bathing, washing your hair or caring for your teeth or dentures.
Stay safe with a Freedom Medical Alarm from HealthCare NZ
Freedom Medical Alarms are jointly owned by HealthCare NZ and the Wellington Free Ambulance. Our mission is to ensure your ongoing safety and provide the peace of mind you need to live life independently.
If you’re interested in hiring a Freedom Medical Alarm for yourself or for a loved one, call us on 0800 380 280. Or for more information about Freedom Medical Alarms, visit the Freedom website.